12 November 2010

You're not about to lie down for your cause

This one will be in English. Such things happen when you spend most of your time reading in two different non-native languages, speak them all the time, breathe them in and then leave them invade your dreams.
I know I once promised this blog will be left for keeping secrets away from people who don't speak Bulgarian. It's a rare occasion that I don't really have any secrets right now, at least not such that are to be circulating in the Internet anyway, in any existing language. I'm done with secrets and decoded messages, and stolen looks, and memories hidden in the maze of my imagination. I just decided it, in this very moment as my head slowly explodes with information and calculations, pages and pages of them. Three weeks for this project, three weeks to finish the essay I haven't officially started yet.
Fascination ends, here we go again.
Meanwhile, my good intentions to develop the film were shattered as I was politely told in two different shops that they can't help me. "Come back Saturday, there might be a container where we can put the film." I should one day shoot a film titled "The epic adventures of a small Zenit in big Glasgow". Also, the next person who uses the phrase "a Canon, from the big ones" (respectively "I don't know what lens did I use but it was big and with black body"), the door is riii-ght over there. Please, help yourself out.
I mean, seriously. To give that amount of money for equipment and courses, and not even to try and remember a 5-letter/number combination. It's the same if I said "I don't know what type of paint I used, but it's a nice deep red colour."
Also, no power tomorrow. And still no shower. I just need a little journey right now. To any place where I can actually take a shower without being in a rush. And where I can eat pancakes. That's right, I want pancakes. With granny's strawberry jam.
But a working shower's a priority. Now back to the ramp.

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