Следващото ще е с цитати от последната седмица, тъй като последната седмица беше с безкрайно много цитати. Така и не си избрах един, така че ето ви селекция от бисери за поколенията. Или както някой беше казал, my friends are better than your friends.
1. (reasonably drunk) Carlota: Neli, how do lesbians have sex?
me: (after spending a couple of minutes explaining to her they do pretty much the same as any heterosexual couple minus the real penis and the guy attached to it) Do you know what scissoring is?
C: Scissoring? Like, they insert scissors inside them to get off?
me: ....
2. Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart's character in Casablanca): Go back to Bulgaria.
D: This woman is clearly not Bulgarian! For once, you can understand what is she saying!
me: .... Fuck you.
3. Z: "You could be the star of the Boob wall!"
4. me: they're currently looking for staff at PC world
R: haha, nah, I wash to often to work there
5. R: the eternal dilemma... snacks or sleep?
6. me: fucking facebook
D: I'd LOVE to fuck facebook!
7. "I've had sex with corpses before."
Всъщност имаше още няколко, но те не стигнаха крайния лист. Oh well.
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