05 November 2011

Sour yellow sounds inside my head

This one will be in English, 'cause I feel like it and 'cause it's again this time of the year with the short essays and Benjamin (he is everywhere. Every time).

Thing is I sometimes just need to talk to someone about funny things, annoying people and interesting pictures. Not in this particular order, and the adjectives are interchangeable.
Also, I have too many squares in my mind right now, and too much blue (the colour). I think about means of presentation and watch case studies on vimeo; I draw arrows to indicate each new line of thoughts, and keep on reminding myself about the films I have to watch next week.

My head's in a royal mess right now. So are my notebooks and my sketchbooks. I can clearly see the final results of every single task but I just can't visualise my path to it.

And now for something completely different. I don't feel tired, not yet. For once I'm the only one truly excited about a project and my ideas. But I've been on the same place for way too long now, and I just need to see something new.
Вчера сутрин се събудих прекалено рано от една прекалено позната миризма, която всъщност изобщо не съществуваше в момента. После се разплакох, не защото съм тъжна, а защото не знаех, че можеш да сънуваш аромати, които си смятал, че си забравил завинаги.

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